Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eden of studying

With Boards looming every so largely in the near future, I find myself studying a lot more than....well....ever. The thing I realized recently is, studying is really really lonely. Even if you study in a group, everyone's concentrating on their own task of stuffing knowledge into one's brain, and it's truly a solo task. The whole experience, if done in excess, is really depressing! I think that's why I always try to study in a place with lots of people...if I studied in my room by myself all the time, I would've spiraled to a deep dark place, long long ago. The key is to find a place where a fair number of people gather, but is not too loud...just enough noise to blend into the background and tune out.

My go-to study spots have been Kayaks, Borders, and Barnes & Noble....but today, I found the ultimate study spot. It's pretty freaken phenomenal, if I do say so myself.....


All four of these pictures were taken from my seat...I didn't even have to get up from my chair!

Please note the marble table and the comfy leather couchettes, the nicely laid out study spread and the shopping bag in the seat across from me. =)

Plenty of natural light...literally right above where I was sitting...

and so many pretty stores around me to keep me excited. It's like a study hall with built in study breaks!!! This was to my right....

and this was the view to my left. How could a girl be lonely when surrounded by such goodness???!! It's really pretty impossible. And as if this wasn't fabulous enough, there was a guy playing the piano for a couple of hours too! (I'm thinking this was a Sunday special) Perfect study spot WITH live music...can't beat that.

I don't know if I did a smart or stupid thing, letting everyone know about my new study spot...but this girl is totally ready to go back and study (and shop) tomorrow!!! hehe


I'll be in DC from Tuesday to Thursday for a conference.
Spring break in less than a month! Puerto Vallarta baby!

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